Why Cleaning Your New Office Before Moving In Is Important

Are you are your employer moving to new office accommodation ? 


Although stressful, moving to new office accommodation, old or new should be an exciting experience for everyone within the business. Creating a friendly, health working environment where everyone is happy and prepared for success in the best possible environment is not easy, especially with all the forward planning hours and logistic challenges in preparation of the big day and unfortunately, there are somethings you can’t plan for.


Arrive at your new workplace after cleaning, packing and organising your old premisses you find your new working environment tailored to breed success maybe breeding more than you had anticipated.


The last thing you want to do after a busy, tiring office relocation is to have the wind of positivity taken from your sails due to an unclean workplace with previous tenant odours or dust from a new build move.


As the employer, you want this transition period for your employees to be as problematic as possible to ensure your staff hit the ground running with energy and enthusiasm and as an employee you want to enjoy your new working environment from day one.


Spotting the ‘not so clean’ on moving in day


Construction companies are just that, they are not a professional cleaning company. Disgruntled tenants, who are less impressed of their new, not so clean, working environment will be the least of their concerns. A construction companies focus will be ensuring the project is completed to specification, on time and on budge avoiding any difficulties that may cause the project to be delayed, going over budget and delay the new tenant’s entry dates, and in doing so, the possibility of receiving penalty fees potentially impacting the projects profitability making.


With new builds, there will inevitably be dust, possible finger and footprints, wall marks, smudging and in general, a lack of attention to detail to cleaning, why… as they are a construction company not a professional cleaning company. New build dust flecks will gradually find their way into every crevice and spread through air ducts leading to employee and visitors inhales the dusk flecks into their lungs and cause irritation to their eyes, ears and nose. To prevent this from happening the following professionally cleaning is recommended;


  • Hard Floors Surfaces
  • Carpets
  • Skirting
  • Touch points
  • Kitchen Surfaces
  • High Level Dusting
  • Air Vents
  • Light Sources

Moving to a new office but not a new build?


Depending on the situation, moving to a new office might have to be a quick and immediate solution. The acquisition of the new office area needs to happen quickly to minimise company downtime, whether it’s because the company is entering a new market, or the existing lease held by the company for the current property is coming to an end.


This can throw up several issue. It is possible that the previous tenants were forced to leave everything in its current state including the cleaning thus having a negative impact on what should be an enjoyable day for employees and employers a like.


Perfect Clean would recommend that an evaluation of your new workspace be completed prior to the move creating a snagging list of what needs to be done, and in doing so, you may come up with a strategy to have your new workspace ready for your employees whilst minimising disruption and maintaining productivity, for example, modify the working space, depending on how much cleaning is required.


Remain Sanitised In Your New Office Space


We touched on the reality the breeding of success maybe be overshadowed with breeding of contamination in your new working environment.  It’s not always a given that cleanliness will be as important to others as it is to your organisation.  Before you acquired a new workspace that was previously occupying, it is highly probable your new workspace may have concealed pathogens such as:

  • Bacteria’s
  • Viruses
  • Mould

Any of these pathogens might endanger your employees as well as everyone else they may encounter, including your clients. If not cleaned professionally, your entire workforce can be impacted and a possible loss of productivity due to sickness and absence.


While your new office will require periodic professional cleaning, your new office policy should also include routine sanitization to protect the wellbeing of your employees.


Hire a Professional Commercial Cleaning Company to Perform a Deep Clean and Maintenance Plan


Many companies, including us at Perfect Clean, are aware of how stressful moving to new business premisses can be. Whether you have a portfolio of new offices or one premise that needs professionally deep cleaned and maintenance schedule, we can arrange a free site survey to provide your office with the deep clean requires, and one your employees deserve. Perfect Clean offer the expertise you require through our extensive knowledge in cleaning and logistics to make your relocation as comfortable and hygienic necessary allowing your company to operate as smoothly and profitably as possible.


If you need a professional cleaning service for your new workplace, you should contact Perfect Clean, as one of our clients, we will focus our attention on assisting you with any question or queries you could have a tailor a cleaning schedule to you and your employees specific requirement.


Look at our website for further details here.